Thursday, December 26, 2019

A New Industrial Revolution in Society - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2281 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/05/08 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Industrial Revolution Essay Did you like this example? From prosthetics and biomechanics such as lifelike robots and moving artificial limbs, to new technologies such as special rockets that allow us to travel to mars, and to artificial intelligence which is completely changing the technology and medical industries, we are seeing a third industrial revolution that is advancing all of society. As the technology of society changes, the types of jobs that are available to people will change as well. This revolution will see a change from people working on the factory floor to the offices nearby, which will be full of designers, engineers, IT specialists, logistics experts, marketing staff, and other professionals because there will be no more need for workers since everything will be made by robots (The Third Industrial Revolution, 3). Since there is expected to be such a large shift in ideas, technology, and jobs within the next few years and decades, it is important to educate society on what to expect as we progress through this new industrial revolution. With many new technologies, ideas, and innovations today, we are seeing a new revolution where engineering will make a substantial and positive impact on society in the fields of biotechnology, robotics, materials, and space exploration. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A New Industrial Revolution in Society" essay for you Create order Biotechnology is the use of biological processes for purposes in the fields of biology, genetic manipulation, tissue reconstruction, and antibiotics. Biotechnology would not be as widespread as it is today without the use of biomaterials. A biomaterial is a substance or combination of biologically inert substances that are used for implantation or integration in a living organism in order to improve or replace specific tissue or organ functions (Grosu-Bularda 422). Before this new technology, human organ and tissue transplantation was the standard, but there is now a limitation with donors, risk of rejection, and risk of infection. The use of biomaterials allows engineers and doctors to use materials that work properly with that specific persons body, allowing them to use the tissue, or other organ to its full potential. Biomaterials and artificial organs allow doctors to help the patient with a known obvious issue. However, if the issue is something that needs careful think, there is a likelihood that the doctor can diagnose the patient in a wrong way. According to the US Institute of Medicine, approximately one in 10 medical diagnoses is wrong and that in primary care, one in 20 patients will get a wrong diagnosis [this will] contribute to as many as 80,000 unnecessary deaths each year in the US alone (Sukel). Humans are not perfect and therefore doctors cannot make perfect medical diagnoses every single time. That is why artificial intelligence has become so important in the field of medicine. The computer is not only taught a vast amount of information, but it is also able learn new information as time progresses. For example, when [engineers] trained a deep-learning neural network using more than 100,000 images of skin problems, ranging from cancer to insect bites, then tested it on 14,000 new images, the system correctly diagnosed melanomas more often than seasoned dermatologists (Sukel). There have also been instances where computers have been able to outperform doctors when diagnosing diabetes, cancer, heart attacks, and general health. As technology becomes more powerful every day, artificial intelligence will be able to process large amounts of data at very high speeds, model complex relationships between different variables, and update themselves to stay consistent with the data. Robotics is technology used in designing machines that are capable of carrying out complex series of actions, some resembling humans by replicating general movements and functions. Marc Raibert, CEO of Boston Dynamics, an engineering company that creates highly advanced robots, believes that robotics will make a much bigger impact than the internet did. Raibert says, The Internet lets every person reach out and touch all the information in the world. But robotics lets you reach out and touch and manipulate all the stuff in the world and so it is not just restricted to information, it is everything (Galeon). Since robots are becoming very human-like, this can be seen as a good thing and a bad thing. These robots can help us with many daily activities and can do many things that humans might not be able to do. These robots are becoming more mobile, agile, skillful, and greater autonomous perception. However, there might come a time when these robots will take all of our jobs, or one day even rule over all of humanity. Another technology where robotics is important is in prosthetics. A prosthesis is an artificial device that takes the place of a missing body part. They are used to restore the normal functions of a body part that could have been lost due to trauma, disease, or congenital conditions. The origin of prosthetics is said to have been around 16th-century France. In more recent times, new lightweight materials and better mechanical joints were introduced to allow people to walk, run, jump, or climb again. Whether they were injured during war or were born with a defect, prosthetics have been able to impact all kinds of people, big and small. This new generation of prosthetics and robotics have included more movable joints, electrical signals connected to brain that allow user to move on their own, and other essentials that help each specific person with their daily activities. There are so many materials in todays society that affect the way we live and invent. In the past, things were made from screwing or welding two things together. However, in todays world, a product can be created on a computer and printed as a three-dimensional figure by building up layers of material to make it stronger and lighter. If you make a mistake, you are able to fix it immediately on the computer, where with real materials, you would need to start all over if you made a mistake. Products that are three-dimensionally printed are being used in many different applications. From organs and biomaterials, to hearing aids and prosthetics, and advanced parts for airplanes and vehicles. These new materials have become much stronger, lighter, and more durable than many materials used in the past. For example, carbon fiber has been used to replace high quality metals such as aluminum and steel in many automobiles, race cars, and airplanes. Some of these special materials can give different products very specific features, such as bandages that help heal cuts, engines that run more efficiently and crockery that cleans more easily (The Third Industrial Revolution). Along with 3D printing came the idea of 3D bioprinting. This concept is extremely similar to the conventional 3D printer, but it has the capability of producing biological products. Reconstructive surgery can be used for many surgical reasons. A new organ, such as an artificial bladder, heart valve, pacemaker, joint, skin, tissue, or bone, might be required by a patient. With prosthetics and bioengineering, engineers have been able to transform peoples lives by allowing them to live the life they used to have. The efficiency and reliability of product creation is becoming more advanced every day. The methods for mass production of items and materials are becoming more flexible, automated, and energy efficient due to many different methods of engineering. This new automation closes the disconnect between the design and manufacturing of a product, and mass customization allows for innovated and better- made products. Ever since the start of humanity, we have always been curious about where we came from and why Earth is such a special place. Since 1958, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been focused on understanding Earth, the Solar System, the Big Bang, and other topics including astrophysics and climate change. The next few years will be very important for agencies like NASA and companies like SpaceX that plan on sending robots to Mars. These robots will look for signs of bacteria, indicating that life is present on Mars, and therefore increasing the likelihood of humanity moving to Mars. NASA also plans on sending humans to Mars, the furthest human exploration in space in history. These astronauts will begin testing the many technologies and systems that are needed for living on mars as well as missions to other destinations in space. The International Space Station, a research laboratory in low-Earth orbit, creates a one of kind location for scientific advancements, testing of new technologies, and research in the fields of biology, chemistry, and physics. NASA is also, helping transform aviation by developing advanced technologies for revolutionary aircraft shapes and propulsion, and for the airspace in which they fly, which dramatically improve efficiency, reduce noise and maintain safety in more crowded skies (Dunbar). They are planning to continue creating technologies such as solar electric propulsion, deep space navigation, new green propellants, and in-space manufacturing and assembly (Dunbar). This new technology will help advance the idea that NASA has of reach deep space destination in the future. With all of these new technologies and innovations in this third industrial revolution, we expect to see a dramatic change in jobs and the work force. It has been estimated that, about 65% of children entering primary schools today will likely work in roles that dont currently exist (Dunne 1). There will be a decline in office, manufacturing, and production roles, and an increase in business, financial operation, and computer and mathematical function roles (Dunne 2). However, why are we seeing such a sudden change in jobs? Just like the two previous industrial revolutions in the 16th century and the 20th century, there was a large disruption in the amount of jobs available for specific fields. For example, when the Model T car was created, there was a decline in farriers, or people that trim horses hooves. This is due to the fact that less people were riding horses, and more were buying cars. The future will most likely consist of factories completely filled with robots. Therefore, humans will need to take jobs in offices that will most likely be full of designers, engineers, IT specialists, logistics experts, marketing staff and other professionals to help create and look over the robots (?The Third Industrial Revolution). This third revolution will also affect where many of these products and technologies will be made and produced. Many companies are moving back to their own countries instead of staying in poor countries because they feel like it is more important that they are closer to their customers. It is believed that, in areas such as transport, computers, fabricated metals and machinery, 10-30% of the goods that America now imports from China could be made at home by 2020, boosting American output by $20 billion-55 billion a year (The Third Industrial Revolution). With the work force of society changing from office, manufacturing, and production, to business, science, and engineering, it is important to properly educate the people that will be going into these fields. The most important skills these people must have are how to work in teams, how to create quickly designs, how to reliably manufacture products, and how to use creativity and engineering together. In order to keep improving the technology of the future, the American workforce must have the ability to invent, design, and create new products, devices, systems and services in order to compete on a global level and to provide the spark of innovation to seed new industries and economic growth (Coates). The adults and more sophisticated members of society must ensure that the current and future generations have all the skills to succeed and are not left behind in this new technology and innovation race. Engineering, science, and technology, through its role of creativity and intelligence, has made a large impact in the improvement of the well-being and health of humans. The engineers of the future must have solid foundation in the basics of math and science. It is also important to emphasize creative and design which will allow these generations to effectively lead in the development and innovation of technologies to prevent the problems of the future. There needs to be a push in engineering professions that will, rapidly embrace the potentialities offered by creativity, invention, and cross-disciplinary fertilization to create and accommodate new fields of endeavor, including those that require openness to interdisciplinary efforts with non-engineering disciplines such as science, social science, and business (Coates). Engineering educators as well as engineers themselves need to take a large effort to address the technological and societal challenges of the future. Throughout history, there have been many great things that have come out of new ideas, technologies, and innovations. However, there have also some negative results such as pollution, global warming, depletion of scarce resources, and catastrophic failures of poorly designed engineering systems are examples. However, overall, engineers and their creations have impacted society and have reshaped the way that we live today. Through biotechnology, robotics, materials, and space exploration, we are seeing a new uprising in the field of engineering. New products, ideas, innovations, and technologies are allowing humanity to advance into the future where daily activities will be safer, easier, and quicker. These new technologies will help keep humans health and will also allow us to find out about how the Earth works and what its history is like. The next few years and decades will allow the field engineering to have opportunity to strengthen its role in society and to define an engineering career as, one of the most influential and valuable in society and one that is attractive for the best and the brightest (National Academy of Engineering). If future generations take this opportunity, it is important to show that the roles of engineers and engineering will help establish a new vision of the future that creates a society that continually succeeding in creating new technology, innovations, and ideas.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Dharmic Religions of Hinduism and Buddhism - 1220 Words

Although both Hinduism and Buddhism both Dharmic religions and originate from similar cultural backgrounds, their individual beliefs regarding death and the afterlife differentiate from one and other. Both religions believe in the concept of reincarnation, but the difference lies in the process in which someone is reincarnated and subsequently where the individual stops the process of reincarnation and reaches the desired end point of the seemingly endless cycle. In Hinduism the concept of life and death is more complex than a body being born and subsequently reaching death. In Hinduism there is a spiritual entity within ones self called the Atman. The Atman, similar to a soul, is eternal, it does to adhere to the laws of the physical world, body included. Hindus believe that the atman cannot suffer, or feel pleasure, pain, or any other emotion that the physical body is tied to. This is because in Hinduism the Atman is a sense of pure consciousness, where the body is attempting to tap into this and achieved a sense of enlightenment; the Atman is the part of the individual, which exceeds the limitations of the physical body, not requiring needs or desires. The physical body experiences a relatively short life in comparison to the Atman, which is eternal. The bodily emotions one experiences when regarding death are physical limitations of ones physical self and not connecting with ones eternal self. Within the Hind tradition there are four stages of an individuals life.Show MoreRelatedReligion And Its Influence On Religion977 Words   |  4 Pagesabout religions that I hear since my childhood and it s said everywhere; that religions are all the same, and that they all call to the same ethical matters, ultimately lead to the same result as achieved the same end. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Eleanor and the Second Crusade free essay sample

An examination of the experiences of Eleanor of Aquitaine during the second crusade. The paper examines the events experienced by Eleanor of Aquitaine and her first husband Louis while on route to Jerusalem during the Second Crusade. Although Louis would be viewed favorably for his efforts, Eleanor would be plagued for the rest of her life with rumors of impropriety and incest. Pernoud records the couples stay at Antioch in much the same way as Seward. However, Pernoud seems to give more credence to the possibility that an unnatural closeness may have existed between Eleanor and her Uncle. If we adhere to historical fact, it seems unquestionable that Eleanor acquired a bad reputation at Antioch.(Pernoud,72) He states that the charge of incest was leveled by the chronicler, William of Tyr, who cannot be dismissed lightly (Pernoud,72) Despite this assertion, Pernoud also insinuates that Eleanors reputation may have been the result of her open disputes and disagreements with her husband Louis while displaying complete agreement with her Uncle. We will write a custom essay sample on Eleanor and the Second Crusade or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Seward does not mention William of Tyr by name, his account states that the only chronicler to make this allegation wrote of them forty-years later. Seward also relays that contemporary authorities have found no evidence to conclude the possibility of incestuous behavior on behalf of Eleanor or her Uncle.

Monday, December 2, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird Study Guide Essays - Literature, Film

To Kill a Mockingbird Study Guide Describe the following members of the Finch family: Atticus - Scout and Jem's father, a lawyer in Maycomb descended from an old local family. A widower with a dry sense of humour, Atticus has instilled in his children his strong sense of morality and justice. He is one of the few residents of Maycomb committed to racial equality . Scout - he narrator and protagonist of the story. Jean Louise "Scout" Finch lives with her father, Atticus, her brother, Jem, and their black cook, Calpurnia, in Maycomb. She is intelligent and, by the standards of her time and place, a tomboy. Scout has a combative streak (element) and a basic faith in the goodness of the people in her community . Jem - Scout's brother and constant playmate at the beginning of the story. Jeremy Atticus "Jem" Finch is something of a typical American boy, refusing to back down from dares and fantasizing about playing football . Calpurnia - The Finches' black cook. Calpurnia is a stern disciplinarian and the children's bridge between the white world and her own black community. What are the games that Jam and Scout play with Dill? Scout, Jem and Dill use their imagination to recreate and act out famous movies and plays. They do this for a long time, before creating their own stories. Eventually, they make stories about Arthur Radley (AKA Boo Radley) and are fascinated by his mysteriousness. Which motivates them to play games of bravado around the Radley place, which gets somewhat dangerous. Describe each of the following neighbours: Mr. Avery - Is an overweight neighbour that is deeply su perstitious. He blames the children's bad behaviour' for the snow. Mrs. Dubose - An elderly, ill-tempered, racist woman who lives near the Finches. Although Jem believes that Mrs. Dubose is a thoroughly bad woman, Atticus admires her for the courage with which she battles her morphine addiction. Ms. Maudie - The Finches' neighbour, a sharp-tongued widow, and an old friend of the family. Miss Maudie is almost the same age as Atticus's younger brother, Jack. She shares Atticus's passion for justice and is the children's best friend among others. What do we learn about the Cunningham's? The Cunninghams are one of the poorest families in Maycomb. They don't accept anything from people, if they can't return it. We learn about the Cunninghams through (mainly) Walter Cunningham. For example, Walter refused to take a quarter from Miss Caroline because he could return it back to her. Alsoin the beginning of thestory,Scout asks Atticus why the Mr. Cunningham drops off wood andAtticus says thatishis way of paying people back. What are the really important things that Scout learned at school on her first day? Scout receives quite an education on her first day of school, but most of it concerns withhow to deal with other people rather than with scholastic matters. First she learns from Jem that the two of them should have little contact with one another at school. Scout learns many things about Miss Caroline: that she hails from northern Alabama, an area filled with "persons of no background"; that she believes teaching should only be done by teachers; that she believes Atticus has been causing "damage" to Scout by reading to her; that cursive writing should not be learned until much later than the first grade; andthat Miss Caroline has never run across "cooties" (head lice) before. Most importantly, Scout learns lessons from Calpurnia about how to treat a house guest; and, from Atticus,how it is best to "climb into his skin" first before judging a person. She also learns the definition of compromise and how important it is to Atticus that she receive a public education. Episodes in the story that involve the Radley Place so far, and there significance: In Chapter One, Dill, Jem, and Scout first begin to wonder about Boo Radley. Dill was the first one to gain the obsession in seeing and discovering more about Boo Radley This terrifies Scout and Jem, but enthrals Dill. (Pages 12-15) Dill is convinced they should coax Boo out; Jem and Scout are sure he will kill himself. But when a dare is made

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Satisfaction With Destination Quality Tourism Essay Essays

The Satisfaction With Destination Quality Tourism Essay Essays The Satisfaction With Destination Quality Tourism Essay Essay The Satisfaction With Destination Quality Tourism Essay Essay Travel and touristry particularly for the economic growing around the universe, have undergone different phases of development in the last few decennaries. One of the major challenges that face touristry directors is to understand the behavioural forms of tourers there is non much research that has been done to analyze the way between overall satisfaction, purpose revisit and recommendation to others in Sri Lanka. This survey uses Overall Satisfaction, Intention to Revisit, Intention to Recommend as the chief theory to explicate international tourers behaviour towards revisiting and urging to others Sri Lanka. However, the better anticipation and account of behaviour, uses ground action and satisfaction with finish theory. In fact, this theory is non exhaustively tested in Sri Lanka, the literature that helps to explicate the demand for this research, is reviewed and conceptual model and hypotheses are formulated base on the literature. 2.1 Reasoned Action The theory of reasoned action built on other research conducted by Fishbein and Azjen ( 1980 ) is designed to both, better anticipation and account of behaviour. This theory provides a model to analyze executing behaviour. Harmonizing to the theory, the most of import determiner of a individual s behaviour is a combination of attitudes towards executing the behaviour and subjective norms. The person s attitude toward the behaviour includes ; Behavior belief, rating of behavior result, subjective norm, normative belief, and the motive to follow. In this research dependant variable was behavior purpose to revisit and urge, which are indicants of whether a tourer to a plan, installation, finish will return and urge to his/her household and friends. 2.2 Satisfaction with Destination Quality Satisfaction has been treated as a one-dimension building, which varies along with positive images associated with the luxury hotel ( Mazanec, 1995 ) . Harmonizing to the theory Satisfaction with finish, tourer value is the grade of enjoyable fulfilment of their demand and wants, including the full scope of service and activities offered by the finish. ( Foster, 2000 ) . Every tourer finish is endowed with diversified physical and cultural properties along with the overall attitudes of tourers towards the finish and the complexness of service degrees. This holistic feeling created by the finish on tourers and how they are satisfied with attractive force, their dining experience, nutrient assortment, with the cordial reception of local people and service quality form the topic for research. Pulling on the consumer literature, it is excessively easy to presume that the results of the tourer activity are entirely the creative activity of the tourer operators/industry. However, it is possibly more informative to follow a transactional position outlined in the diversion literature. Here, the tourer actively creates the diversion ( tourer ) experience, through a dealing with the physical and societal scene, including what the recreationist ( tourer ) brings to the procedure in footings of history, perceptual experiences, comrades, accomplishments, equipment, individualities, hopes and dreams ( Williams, 1988: 432 ) . With this position, more accent is placed on the behaviour of the person and their function in making the experience. Not all the duty for making high degrees of satisfaction remainders with the service Jesus. With this in head, ( Cromptomton and Love, 1995 ) make a differentiation between quality of chance and quality of experience. Quality of chance is def ined as quality of the properties of a service that are under the control of a provider. Evaluation is concerned with judgements about the public presentation of the leisure chance provider. In contrast, quality of experience involves non merely the properties provided by a provider, but besides attributes brought to the chance by the visitant or recreationist. Quality of experience is a psychological result or emotional response. Satisfaction is measured by how good leisure activities are perceived to carry through the basic demands and motivations that stimulated the thought to take part in the activity ( Crompton and Love, 1995 ) . In this research, concerned tourers from different states how they perceived the properties and how satisfied or dissatisfied they are with attractive forces, nutrient and drink, shopping, and adjustment have been researched. 2.3 Overall Satisfaction Harmonizing to the disconfirmation paradigm, satisfaction is a comparing between public presentation and outlooks ( Oliver, 1981 ) . Although, harmonizing to Oliver ( 1999 ) this is a definition based on what the consumer does, and non on its psychological significance. Oliver has hence proposed, Satisfaction is defined as enjoyable fulfilment ( Oliver, 1997, 1999 ) . That is, when the ingestion fulfils some demand, desire, end or so forth and that this fulfilment is enjoyable. This position of satisfaction reflects its cognitive nature. Therefore, satisfaction is the tourer s sense that ingestion provides outcomes against outlooks and a criterion of pleasance versus displeasure. An facet related to satisfaction is when an effort is made to set up an emotional bond with tourers through the image of the finish, projecting emotional satisfaction and non merely through the basic demands, such as nutrient, remainder or enjoyment ( Chaudhary, 2001 ; Kandampully A ; Suartanto, 2000 ) . It has been therefore recognized that touristry satisfaction degree can be attributed to different finish attributes including touchable merchandises and intangible service quality and the friendliness of the local people ( Cromptomton A ; Love, 1995 ; Lounsbury A ; Hooper, 1985 ; Ryan, 1997 ) . Johnson, Anderson et al. , ( 1995 ) have distinguished between two different general conceptualisations of satisfaction: transaction-specific satisfaction and cumulative satisfaction. The former is concerned with satisfaction as an person, transaction-specific step or rating of a peculiar merchandise or service experience ( Johnson, Anderson et Al. 1995: 699 ) . Accumulative satisfaction, on the other manus, is a cumulative, abstract concept that describes client s entire ingestion experience with a merchandise or service ( Johnson, Anderson et al. , 1995: 699 ) . As a client s overall rating of the purchase or ingestion experience, cumulative satisfaction is the most relevant conceptua lisation when the focal point is on the tourer s rating of their overall experience at a finish. This is sometimes referred to as market-level satisfaction. The literature suggests that satisfaction measuring must be treated otherwise at these two degrees of abstraction. Furthermore, when sing consumer satisfaction with their ingestion experiences, a major differentiation has been made between the ingestion of goods and services ( Lovelock, 1991 ) . Measures of satisfaction are non the same for these different ingestion experiences, mostly because of the function of the consumer in the service brush. It could besides be argued that touristry is a special service in that, like diversion or instruction, it is mostly self-generated ( Williams, 1988 ) . The single plays a cardinal function in finding the experiences achieved and the benefits derived 2.4 Purpose to Revisit Purpose to revisit or reiterate travel and finish trueness are sometimes used interchangeably without distinction. Repeat purchase, a behaviour in kernel, is defined as any state of affairs where a individual buys the point in inquiry more than one time. Um, Chun A ; Young Hee ( 2006 ) defined that revisit purpose should be considered as an instigator of a revisit decision-making procedure instead than an end product of it. From a selling point of position, it is of import to the wellness of the finish s economic system, to improved and understanding of repetition tourers. It is indispensable to implement successful selling attempt by aiming them. An analysis of in-depth interviews of 17 respondents bespeaking propensity towards repetition trial showed five grounds that people undertake repetition travel ( 1 ) to cut down hazard by remaining at a familiar finish, ( 2 ) to cut down hazard by happening the same sort of people ( 3 ) to further research the finish, ( 4 ) to be emotionally attached to the finish, ( 5 ) to demo the finish to others ( Gitelson A ; Crompton, 1984 ) . Kozak, ( 2000 ) , and Tribe ( 1998 ) in a survey found that the degree of satisfaction was straight related to tourism rating of finish, rating of finish properties, which included the natural environment, physical attractive force, adjustment, eating houses, shopsaˆÂ ¦ and so on. Yuksel, ( 2000 ) found that both first clip visitants and repetition visitant normally regards quality of nutrient, quality of adjustment, as ground to come back. 2.5 Purpose to Recommend Previous research findings demonstrate that there is a important relationship between tourer satisfaction, purpose to return, and positive viva-voce communicating ( Beeho and Prentice 1997 ; Hallowell 1996 ; Pizam 1994 ; Ross 1993 ) . A similar relationship exists among tourist dissatisfaction, willingness to look for other finishs for farther trips, and negative viva-voce communicating ( Almanza, Jaffe, and Lin 1994 ; Peter and Olson 1987 ; Pizam 1994 ) . Satisfaction or dissatisfaction with old experience besides is important because it might impact outlooks for the following purchase ( Westbrook and Newman 1978 ; Woodruff, Cadotte, and Jenkins 1983 ) . This means that favourable tourer perceptual experiences and attitudes are potentially an of import beginning of competitory advantage. However, it besides is of import to observe that the impact of CS on repetition concern and client trueness is neither the same for all industries ( Fornell 1992 ) nor the same for all finishs world wide ( Kozak and Rimmington 1998 ) . The more they are likely to return the more they are happier to urge to others. In this research, it is of import because it demonstrates that tourers are likely to urge finishs with which they are largely satisfied and intend to see once more. After reexamining the literature, we can do the decision that recommendation the finish to others is their purpose to revisit. Furthermore research shows that service and quality leads to comprehend value, while both satisfaction and perceived value are direct ancestors of behavior purposes like revisit purpose or purpose to urge ( Baker A ; Crompton, 2000 ; Cronin, Brady, A ; Hult, 2000 ) . 2.6 Conceptual Model of the Study Purpose to Recommend Overall Travel Satisfaction Purpose to Revisit Figure 2.1 Conceptual Model of the Study 2.7 Hypothesiss 2.7.1 Overall Satisfaction and Intention to Recommend Furthermore, some of the surveies mention the current high degree of overall satisfaction with the tourer in New Zealand tell us that holiday appears to be mostly determined by the degree of satisfaction with the attractive force tourers have experienced. Therefore, there is considerable duty on the portion those who operate these attractive forces to guarantee that current degrees of satisfaction with their concerns are maintained or enhanced. This duty is peculiarly critical given that activities satisfaction is the vacation constituent that impact significantly on the likeliness of urging an of import factor in bring forthing favourable word of oral cavity promotion ( Danaher A ; Areweeiler, 1996 ) . H1: Overall travel satisfaction of tourers in Sri Lanka has a positive influence on purpose to urge. 2.7.2 Overall Travel Satisfaction Influence on Intention to Revisit Scott ( 1995 ) developed a touristry satisfaction theoretical account that is based on the cumulative of touristry experience. They found that overall satisfaction, purpose to urge and revisit is mostly a base on type of the benefit tourers experience during their visit. From the literature, mentioned above the undermentioned hypothesis is formulated. H2: Overall travel satisfaction of tourers in Sri Lanka has a positive influence on purpose to revisit. 2.7.3 Purpose to Recommend and Intention to Revisit If touristry merchandises and services match tourers outlook, they would be satisfied and leave the finish with a loving memory. That is why touristry service suppliers at a finish are determined to please or surprise their visitants in order to heighten their satisfaction. Scott ( 1995 ) developed a touristry satisfaction theoretical account that is based on the cumulative nearer of touristry experience. They found that overall satisfaction and purpose to urge and revisit are mostly a map of the types of benefits tourers experience during their visit. The concept of future behavioural purpose Purposes to urge or to revisit are both indexs of trueness ( Bigne, Sanchez, A ; Sanchez, 2001 ) . Furthermore, Rimmington ( 2000 ) found the of import relationship between overall satisfaction and tourers purpose to urge others. Therefore, base on the treatment above the undermentioned hypothesis is formulated. H3: Whether there is positive relationship between purpose to urge and purpose to revisit.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Your Quick Guide to Lay vs. Lie

Your Quick Guide to Lay vs. Lie As some of the most commonly confused words in the English language, lay vs. lie (and determining which to use) present problems for English writers and speakers- even native ones. However, knowing whether to use lay or lie in a particular context requires knowing specific rules related to conjugating the verbs in present, past and past participle tenses. Well review these rules here.Lay vs. lie in present tenseThe present tense rule related to lay vs. lie is the easiest to remember. Keep in mind that in this article, we are referring to lie in its meaning to recline rather than untruth.Lay requires an object while lie does not. For example, you can lay a blanket over someone, because the object (blanket) is receiving the action of the verb. However, when you lie down, there is no object, so lie is the correct choice.Remember that Bob Dylan song, Lay Lady Lay? Well, Dylan- although a great songwriter- used the verb incorrectly in his song. And then people wonder why English language rules are so difficult to remember!The correct way, then, to sing that song would be lie Lady lie, lie across my big brass bed. However, well trust that Dylan had his reasons for conjugating the verb incorrectly in his hit track.Lay vs. lie in past tenseHere is where the grammar rules get really tricky with this particular pair of words- in the past tense. Why? Because the past tense of lie is lay. What this means is that if you are supposed to use lie in the present tense- for example, I need to go lie down- youll have to change that to lay if speaking past tense.Consider this example: Yesterday, the cat lay in the window sill all day long.Sounds incorrect, doesnt it?Thats because most people get it wrong. If youre like most, your first inclination would be to use laid as the past tense verb form here, but that would be incorrect. Laid is the past tense of lay, so you would only use that if lay is the correct verb form to use in present tense.Heres an example: I laid the paper down on the table, but someone lost it.Lay vs. lie in past participle tenseNow, lets look at the past participle of both verb forms, starting with lie. The past participle of lie†¯is lain.Consider this example: I have lain in bed all day and havent accomplished anything.So, if lay is the correct form of the verb in present tense (meaning there is an object that is placed down), the past participle tense is laid (which is the same as the past tense, so at least something about this is easy!)Heres an example: She has laid her purse somewhere and forgotten where.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Possible causes of destruction from space ( solar storms and possible Essay

Possible causes of destruction from space ( solar storms and possible impact from an asteroid or comet) that could lead to an apocalypse - Essay Example In that context, the longevity of earth is to a great extent a matter of coincidence and the spatial phenomenon like solar storms, and collision with asteroids or comets do have the potential to give way to an apocalypse. Before delving on the possible apocalyptic consequences of solar storms, one needs to delve into the scientific basis of these solar phenomenons. Simply speaking, a solar storm may refer to solar flare, Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) or a geomagnetic storm. The solar flares mostly get noticed as an abrupt brightening on the surface of the sun (Shipman, 1987, p. 266). This brightening of the solar surface is often interpreted as a massive release of energy of gargantuan proportions (Shipman, 1987, p. 266). The solar flares result into large scale ejections of atoms, ions and electrons from the sun’s corona into the space (Shipman, 1987, p. 266). These ejections of atomic and subatomic particles resulting from a solar flare do manage to reach the earth’s atmosphere. It is a possibility that the solar flares accompanied by a large scale energy release do have the potential to disrupt and even destroy the life on earth. It is a known fact that the sun’s energy does influence electromagnetic fields and the weather on earth. An unprecedented solar activity could someday drastically impact the human survival. They have the potential to drastically jeopardize the modern life by causing natural disasters, earthquakes, Tsuna mis, disrupting communication technologies, giving way to genetic mutations, jamming radio and satellite signals, and a plethora of other scientifically valid possibilities. It is a possibility that the very life nurturing potential of the sun could someday lead to an apocalypse. Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), simply put is a large scale burst of magnetic fields, solar wind and plasma from the sun’s corona into space (Ridpath, 1997, p.