Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Censorship - 1703 Words

Censorship of Violence Why does anyone care if our society is aggressive? Does the kid who decides to fire a gun into his school do so because he watched Natural Born Killers? Is violence in our communities really causing anyone any abnormal amount of heartache? To the victims, and the families and friends of the victims, surely it does. Perhaps there are still some individuals who care just for the sake of caring, not because they are grieving a loss. But what does it all mean, and what is causing it? Some will point fingers at their televisions and movie theatres and assert that they are to blame. Not being one in the habit of pointing fingers and making absurd accusations, I will explain the free will of man and his inalienable†¦show more content†¦A single person has complete control over the forced equality of the nation. The Handicapper General decides not only what equality is, but also the best way to facilitate it. How does one censor information and maintain objectivity? Censorship turns our governing bodies into institutions of paternalistic moralism. Our society celebrates diversity and is a sampling of numerous cultures and modes of thinking. It is not reasonable to think that a single, shared definition of quot;appropriatequot; can be reached concerning media messages. This leaves our legislature to act as moral babysitters guiding us on how to feel and what to think. It is not the role of our government to guide us to live lives based on one particular sects definition of morality. It also becomes dangerously close to a mixture of church and state; morals are often closely intertwined with religion. Censorship of images of violence in the media by the government concedes ones personal decision over what images are appropriate to view. As a thinking people, we do not need to be herded like sheep towards a central, forced view of appropriate media messages. When the government rules certain media messages immoral and inappropriate, they deny the population of it s right to think independently and make choices for themselves. The role of the government is to protect our rights, not to appoint Morality Generals who decide what is best for us. Drama for the masses. EntertainmentShow MoreRelatedCensorship : Censorship And Censorship Essay1513 Words   |  7 PagesIn the modern sense, political correctness has become a form of censorship. With protestors forcing students to find alternate routes to school or pushing the administration to cancel guest speakers in fear of triggering students, the modern-day university is no longer a place of free, critical, thinking, but a place of censorship. Political correctness (is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended primarily not to offend or disadvantage any group of people in society. InRead MoreCensorship And Censorship Of Music1544 Words   |  7 Pagestoday’s music, otherwise known as, censorships. A crisis has emerged concerning the issue of censorship. This argum ent consists of two possible stances: one, supporting the continuation of censorship, and two, eliminating the status quo of censorships in the music industry. There have been countless debates and arguments regarding the issues of censorship ever since the U.S. Congress passed the Radio Act in 1927 (The History). The time has arrived for censorship to be brought to an end. The governmentRead MoreCensorship And Censorship Of The Internet985 Words   |  4 Pagestruth.. This influenced freedom of the press rights and embracing those rights to the constitution (Linder). Recently the issue of Censorship of the Internet in America has become a trending topic. The internet has been commonly censored to comply with the Digital Millennium Rights Act, but in recent times our government has been requesting more aggressive censorship in order to provide a safer cyberspace. If the American government began to censor the internet, the restriction will result in suppressionRead MoreThe Censorsh ip Of Internet Censorship3057 Words   |  13 Pages Internet Censorship Student’s Name: Institution Name: Internet Censorship Internet censorship refers to the suppression and control of what people can access, publish, or view on the cyberspace (Reynolds, 2014). It may be done by regimes or private firms at the command of the government. It can be a government’s initiative is or carried out by regulators. Organizations and individuals may practice self-censorship for religious, business or moral reasons to comply with societal normsRead MoreCensorship And Censorship Of The Internet1754 Words   |  8 PagesCensorship of the Internet is on the rise in highly populated states today. Although the Internet is considered as one of the most significant tools for the public sphere, many users have decried the Internet’s benefits and seen the Internet as a ‘double-edged sword’. Even as the Internet connects most of the world and gives valuable access to information, the same tool allows access to material that may be considered dangerous or harmful. The recent increase in discussion on the act of censorshipRead MoreCensorship Essay1325 Words   |  6 PagesCensorship â€Å"Congress shall make no law†¦prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right to petition the government for a redress of government.†(Ravitch, 118) As stated in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, the people of this nation have the right to exercise their beliefs out loud, or in writing. With this in mind, does the government have the right to undermine the foundation of our nation, and censor what we readRead More The Censorship Debate795 Words   |  4 Pages The Censorship Debate nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Do words such as nigger, bitch, or ass offend you?nbsp; The answer may seem clear cut, but our nation has been struggling with the issue of censorship almost since its conception.nbsp; To many, the aforementioned words are a part of their everyday vocabulary; to others, they are vulgar and unacceptable.nbsp; The issue of censorship is much more than just words.nbsp; There have been huge controversies over the negative ideas andRead More Censorship Essay1002 Words   |  5 PagesCensorship The Columbia Encyclopedia defines censorship as the official prohibition or restriction of any type of expression believed to threaten the political, social, or moral order. It is necessarily broad definition. Any type of expression in fact, covers just about everything from clothing to print to movements and even to simply being. George Bernard Shaw described assassination as an extreme form of censorship. It is now omnipresent in society and has been as long as society has existedRead MoreEssay on censorship846 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"Censorship is the act of suppressing publications, movies, television programs, plays, letters, and so on that are considered to be obscene, blasphemous, or politically unacceptable† (MccGwire 4). Censorship should be enforced because it is needed into today’s society. Censorship needs to be used in media, hate speech, and obscene material. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;To begin with, the media has very negative effect on society as a whole. â€Å"The mass media—movies, television, and recordings—needRead MoreThe Debate of Censorship766 Words   |  4 PagesRights guarantees its citizens the freedom of expression, but how far does that freedom extend? Does the right to express yourself include the right to observe the expressions of others? According to pro-censorship view holders, it does not. But to those who feel strongly against censorship, the freedom of information, or the â€Å"right to know,† should be an absolute right granted to the American public. Censoring material is the responsibility of the individual, not the institution itself, and

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