Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Effects Of Coping On Children Of Divorce - 1948 Words

Human beings may be the most developed species on the planet, but as a result human children have some of the longest development times in the animal kingdom. This long development stage indicates that a plethora of factors play into the growth and maturing of a child. Thus, an event as stressful as the tearing of a family through divorce can have serious of effects on the children involved, especially as the child tries to interpret, rationalize, and cope with the event. One can then imagine that how a child copes with the divorce can greatly influence their final development as they reach adulthood. A variety of literature examining (1) the different types of coping methods, (2) why children gravitate towards these different types, (3) what effect coping resources have, (4) and what potential consequences the effects of coping in children of divorce will face in the future, will be analyzed to decide how strong the effects of coping in children of divorce are and where further rese arch should be conducted. A brief overview of the literature on the subject used for this report will display that many studies built upon each other and came to similar conclusions. Across all the studies it was established that divorce was normally the first very stressful event the children had to cope with, but it unfortunately also diminished the coping resources available to the child, which would help them take up a healthy coping strategy. Thus, the effect of coping in children ofShow MoreRelatedFamilial Support For Children During The Stressful Period Of Divorce Essay1605 Words   |  7 PagesFamilial support for children. In many cases, parents or other family members are not able to be as supportive to their children during the stressful period surrounding divorce. One study by Amato (1993) noted that divorce is one of the life’s most stressful occurrences, and adults experience significant difficulty in their life adjustment after the divorce, which may impact their interactions with their children. Parents are less emotionally available during this time (Riggio Valenzuela, 2011)Read MoreEffect Of Divorce On Children1068 Words   |  5 PagesEffects of Divorce on Children While divorce may reduce strain on a failing marriage, it may cause damaging effects on the children. Often times parents are too concerned on the marriage to notice the effects on children. 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